As a participant in Kimberly-Clark’s RightCycle program, Keller Technology Corporation was recently presented a Chelsea Santucci Greenovation Award for achieving its 2020 annual waste stream reduction goal.
About RightCycle
RightCycle is a solid waste recycling program designed to reduce the amount of non-hazardous solid waste going to landfills. It achieves this milestone by enabling previously hard-to-recycle apparel items such as gloves, shoe covers, masks, and safety eyewear to be recycled and turned into new consumer goods. Since 2011, participating laboratories, cleanrooms, and manufacturing facilities have diverted more than 1,400 tons of used PPE from landfills through the program.
About the Chelsea Santucci Greenovation Awards
The Greenovation Awards were established in 2013 to honor the waste diversion efforts of participants in The RightCycle Program. In 2015, the awards were renamed in honor of Chelsea Santucci, a Kimberly-Clark Professional employee who passed away of cancer at age 26. Santucci was passionate about sustainability and instrumental in the creation of The RightCycle Program and the company hopes her legacy will live on through these awards.