Keller Technology Corporation Receives ITAR Registration

Created 4 years ago
Keller Technology Corporation Receives ITAR Registration

Keller Technology Corporation has registered as a manufacturer and exporter with the US Department of State/Directorate of Defense Trade Controls for compliance in International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Part 122.

ITAR is the U.S. regulation that controls the sale, manufacture, and distribution of defense and space-related services and materials included on the United States Munitions List (USML). It governs the export of defense and military-related technologies to safeguard U.S. national security. Registration demonstrates that Keller understands and observes ITAR restrictions, as well as having procedures and controls in place on a corporate level to ensure ongoing compliance.

Achieving registration serves as a key component for the continued growth of Keller Technology Corporation as a supplier of complex, precision machined parts, custom fabrications as well as high level assemblies and systems.

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