Energy Secretary Gives “Seal of Approval” to KTC Custom Equipment

Created 7 years ago
  • KTC-supplied undulator for free-electron laser project was given the DOE’s “seal of approval” in the form of Secretary of Energy Rick Perry’s signature.
  • Perry visited the SLAC National Accelerator Lab to see progress being made on the superconducting upgrade to the accelerator that powers the X-ray laser.
  • KTC has played a key role in the LCLS-II program at LBNL for the past five years, manufacturing mechanical systems, frames, and strong backs.
Energy Secretary Signs KTC-Supplied Custom Equipment
U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry signs a KTC-supplied undulator for the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s Linac Coherent Light Source-II free-electron laser project.

Already a key component of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s Linac Coherent Light Source-II free-electron laser project, a Keller Technology Corporation-supplied undulator now bears the DOE’s “seal of approval” in the form of Secretary of Energy Rick Perry’s signature.

Secretary Perry signed the KTC custom equipment while touring the Menlo Park, California, facility, where he saw the progress being made on the superconducting upgrade to the accelerator that powers the X-ray laser. Started in 2016, the joint project of the SLAC and four other DOE laboratories, including Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), Fermilab and Jefferson Lab, will allow lab scientists to take crisp pictures of atomic motions, as well as watch chemical reactions unfold.

KTC has played a key role in the LCLS-II program at LBNL for the past five years, manufacturing mechanical systems, frames and strong backs. In addition, KTC engineers have integrated, aligned and measured powerful rare earth magnets to micron level accuracy for the creation of complete undulators.

According to the SLAC website, Secretary Perry told SLAC staff that he’s “proud to be a part” of the project and praised everyone involved in the program for helping to keep “America at the cutting edge of scientific discovery and technology innovation.” KTC’s Vice President of Business Development Barnaby Keller echoed Perry’s sentiments.

“It’s very encouraging to see Secretary Perry’s interest and support for this program,” Keller said. “The technical demands of programs like LCLS-II require American manufacturers to keep their competitive edge and continue to invest in technology and personnel. The benefits to the United States reach far beyond the primary scientific mission this equipment was designed for.  We were humbled and honored to see the Secretary sign a piece of equipment produced by Keller Technology.”

Watch Secretary Perry’s address to the SLAC staff below.

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