Keller Technology Continues Quality Focus with Favorable Audit

Keller Technology Continues Quality Focus with Favorable Audit

Keller Technology Corporation’s Huntersville, NC, facility successfully completed its annual surveillance audit during the second week of May 2016. Conducted by the ANAB accredited registrar British Standards International (BSI), the audit’s scope included the full facility adherence to both the 9001:2008 and 13485:2003 regulatory standards.

With no quality-related non-conformances identified during the course of the audit, Keller Technology has been recommended for continued dual certification for the 9001:2008 and 13485:2003 standards to ISO (International Organization for Standards). The BSI auditor spoke highly of Keller Technology’s QMS program, including praise for the thoroughness of its internal process auditing system, and earnest employee and customer feedback processes.

As an added benefit of the surveillance audit and registrar feedback, Keller Technology is also now well on its way to a planned 2018 recertification to the recently published 9001:2015 and 13485:2016 standards. As a result, Keller Technology looks forward to many more years of quality focus and meeting customer needs across the manufacturing and medical device industries.

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